Blogging and Such

Many people procrastinate at some point in their lives, however some people procrastinate habitually, causing undue stress and negative consequences.  Have you ever put off a project, then felt anxiety and guilt because you knew the task needed to be done?  Have you wondered what held you back from just diving in and completing the work?

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"Normal" Sibling Rivalry, or Something More?

A recent article discussed the effects of sibling bullying.  It indicated that even seemingly harmless taunting can lead to anxiety or depression later in life.  The effects of feeling bullied by a sibling may be just as damaging as being bullied by peers, and a whopping 32% of kids in the study reported being bullied by a sibling!

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Missing the Boat

Being flexible - stepping back to look at other opportunities may serve us well at times like this.  We may be surprised to find that the path to our goal may not be what we had hoped, but one that works out just as well or better than we had imagined.

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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Do you lash out when you are hurt?  Do you bottle up your feelings, then explode?  How might things be different if you approach conflict in a new way- being assertive, yet communicating clearly, without blame or defensiveness, with respect and consideration for both your partner and yourself?  

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Emotions come and go like waves. Of course, sometimes they may seem like mighty big waves!  "Feelings are much like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which ones to surf"- Jonatan Martensson.

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Baby Steps

When trying to make changes to your lifestyle, emotional patterns, parenting, or relationships, it can be overwhelming to try to change old patterns all at once.  It could leave you discouraged or overwhelmed, tempting you to just give up.

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An Attitude of Gratitude

It takes conscious effort to focus on the positives, to be grateful for our experiences when life can be such a struggle at times.  But I believe that it can be helpful to restore our sense of balance, peace, and give us strength to deal with our circumstances.  

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